• 1. To help the poor and needy and economically backward by means of education, social services, and medical aid irrespective of caste or creed or religion and for the purpose to establish and maintain:
  •       a) Clinics, hospitals and dispensaries in order to provide health services to people.
  •       b) Maintain/operate and administer schools, colleges, and any other institutions, technical or secular.
  • 2. To establish, maintain or grant aid to homes for the aged, youth, orphanages/children homes, or other establishments for the relief and help to the poor, needy and destitute people, orphans of all ages, widows and aged persons.
  • 3. To take over, acquire, manage, control or aid any existing institution or institutions having objectives either wholly or in part similar to the objectives of the society and on such terms and conditions as may be thought expedient in order to help the poor and needy of all ages.
  • 4. To teach on Hygiene, Environmental Protection, Morality through Lectures, Conferences, Life Seminars, Training Institutions, Literature, Films, TV Programs, and any other appropriate method in order to create awareness among the people in these areas.
  • 5. To establish Moral Centers to teach principles related to such areas as above.
  • 6. To maintain communication and co-operation with other trusts, societies, and individuals within the country as well in other countries for the purpose of promoting directly or indirectly the objectives of the Society in India. In no case, the Society shall extend the benefits to any place outside India.
  • 7. To do all such things which are incidental or conducive to the achievement and furtherance of these objectives or any of them.
  • 8. To print, publish issue and exhibit any Films, CDs, DVDs, Journals, Periodicals, Books, Papers, Brochures, Advertisements, Reports, News-letters, Lectured and other reading matter for the diffusion of moral, cultural, technical, medical, agricultural, philosophical and other useful knowledge as well as teachings by prominent persons for the promotion and the benefit of the Society.

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